For Parents, Grand Parents
and Family Life

Brother Lee - Brothers of the Sacred Heart
""I have read many spiritual books in my lifetime and heard numerous talks on the spiritual life but none of them equal the wisdom of this book! You have taken your experience in the business world and clothed it in excellent spiritual direction. Thank you and congratulations. Your lists of suggestions are all right on target!"
Judy A.
"loved your new book How You Can Find God in Your Rearview Mirror. I never thought that I
could be an expert on my own faith life and could share how God has blessed me. Thanks for sharing
your insights, miracles and discoveries from when you met God in your rearview mirror."
Karl V.
"I have known Ron for over 40 years and really enjoyed his book, especially his heart felt messages on evangelization. It kept my attention from the very start and I could not put it down."
Don G.
"I finished Ron’s book in two sittings because I could not put it down. It was surprising, well written and spiritually uplifting. I had great sympathy for Ron’s early childhood because I too was farmed out for five years to my grandmother. I don’t remember much but Ron’s book made me realize how blessed I was that God had put her there for me when I needed her."
Heather K.
"Taking a good hard look at your life takes a tremendous amount of courage, faith and trust in
God. Ron’s book helps bring light to your dark times and peace to your heart from just knowing
that God has been with you every step of your way. Well done, Ron!”
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Ron is available for speaking engagements too. Contact us or
call to reserve a day and time.